Now, Jonah, he lived in a Whale!

Freo Today. 19 March 2024. Biblically, they were known as Whales, and what was inside them as Jonahs. This one however is called Silver Queen and what’s inside her are called vehicles. The vehicles roll on to her and then later roll off her. This ‘Vehicle Carrier’ – or RO-RO – arrived in Freo yesterday from Hitachinaka, Japan, and tomorrow will depart for Darwin. Here she is in Fremantle last evening surrounded by some of the Jonahs, oops, vehicles that rolled off her onto H Berth near the Old Traffic Bridge. Nice looking RO-RO, she was built in 2009 and sails under the flag of Panama. 🇵🇦. Smart pic by our Shipping Correspondent, Jean Hudson.