Fremantle Trades Hall – celebrating the 888

Freo Today. 24 January 2024. Such a rich Labor history around Freo. Like the Fremantle Trades Hall at the corner of Collie and Pakenham Streets. The Foundation Stone reads as follows:
The Foundation Stone of this building was laid on 26th March A.D. 1901 by the Right Hon Sir John Forrest P.C G.C.M.G D.C.L. M.H.R. Federal Minister of Defence Labor Omnia Vincit Joseph P. Allen C.E. Architect Mouat St Fremantle Claude R Spurr Supervisor
Coming up 123 years since the Foundation Stone was laid.
An adjacent memorial stone reads –
This Stone was laid by W.H.Carpenter M.H.R First Labor Representative for Fremantle Division in the Federal Parliament January 23, 1904
120 years ago yesterday.
The 888 on the building marked the winning of the 48 hour week: 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 8 hours recreation.
Sitting not entirely comfortably with the 888 celebration is the Latin motto, Labor omnia vincit – Work conquers all.
While one of Freo’s prominent heritage buildings, Fremantle Trades Hall is today a private residence.